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What is the Brightest Thing You can Find in Universe | English


What is the Brightest Thing in the Universe
What is the Brightest Thing in the Universe

Friends, if I ask you what is the brightest thing in the sky, surely the answer of most of you will be the Sun. Because the Sun is the brightest in our Universe. When we look at the sky, we see the existence of many stars, which fade in front of the sunlight. Therefore, looking at the sky from the earth, anyone may be forced to think that the sun is the brightest thing in our universe. But friends, in fact, this is not the case at all. What is the brightest thing in the universe and discovered, on what basis it is measured, and in what parts of the universe, it will be known in this blog. 

Apparent Magnitude

Friends, we know that our Universe is infinitely vast. So it would be foolish to just look at the sky and agree on what looks the brightest. Astronomers who study stars use a technique to measure the intensity of the brightness of stars, such as how bright the light from the sun and other stars is reaching people on Earth, which is called "Apparent Magnitude". That is, the brightness we see from Earth, which is not really the actual brightness of a star, and it depends on two things, one is the actual brightness of the star and the other is the distance of that star from us. The farther away a star is from our Earth, the less light it will feel on Earth, no matter how big or bright it really is.

Absolute Magnitude 

Friends, for example, the Moon does not have its own light, but still, it is the brightest in the sky at night. Therefore, it proves that "Apparent Magnitude" is of no use in measuring the brightness of a star. So scientists try another technique for this, called "Absolute Magnitude". And in this technique, the numbers are arranged in more or less order using a "logarithmic scale". And the larger the number on this scale, the less brightness is measured. Conversely, the lower the number on this scale, the higher the brightness of the object. So if we want to find the brightest thing in the universe, we have to find the brightest thing with the lowest number on this scale.

Let's start with the Sun, the closest star to Earth, with a brightness of 4.8 on "Absolute Magnitude". Going further, we see the closest and brightest star to the sun, called "Sirius", and it is the brightest star in the sky when viewed from Earth at night. This star is 8.5 light-years from Earth, and its value is 1.46 at the Absolute Magnitude, which means it is 22 times brighter than our Sun, which is incredibly high. But friends, this is not the case when we talk about the star "R136A1", which is 250 times bigger than our Sun, its size is 20 million kilometers, and its value is -12.16 in Absolute Magnitude. The thing to remember here is that the Absolute Magnitude of the sun is 4.8, and also remember that the bigger the number, the less brightness it will have. So R136A1 is a star that is 3.6 million times brighter than our Sun. How much brightness it has can be gauged from the fact that if it were in our solar system instead of our Sun, its brightness would blind us in a second. Friends, another question arises here, whether the stars alone are the brightest things in our Universe, because we know that there are hundreds of other planets in the Universe besides the stars. So we can't be limited to the stars to find the brightest thing in the Universe, so we have to go beyond that.

Friends, as we know, when a star in space is about to die after reaching its natural age, it explodes into the Universe with a huge explosion, which is called "Super Nova" in the language of Science. The explosion emitted a powerful wave of light, also known as a "Gamma Ray Burst". And this light is brighter than any star in the universe, this explosion emits as much light in a few seconds as the Sun will emit in a thousand million years of its life, this is one of the few unique wonders in the Universe.

According to scientists, there is a star closest to our Earth, named "WR104", and in the coming time it is preparing for a Super Nova, and if this is possible, then surely the effects of its radiation will reach our Earth. As a result, 25% of our Earth's Ozone Layer will be destroyed. And the lives of living things on Earth can be endangered. Friends, the impact will be greater than you can imagine from the fact that it will be even greater than the effects of the most advanced nuclear bomb ever made. While it is important to remember that this WR104 star is located at a distance of 7500 light-years from us, while the effects of its light will last only a few seconds or a few minutes. Of course, this distance and the intensity of the light is enough to make your brain dizzy.

But friends, this is not the case when we talk about black holes in the Universe, and the white light emanating from them, which emanates from them like a stream of milk. And it spreads far and wide in the Universe. The intensity of this light is so great that it obscures the light of everything in the Universe. These black holes are huge holes in the universe, swallowing up huge stars. And the white light emanating from them is also mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. I have mentioned this in my previous blogs, and they are called "Sitara Saqib" in the Holy Qur'an. Just as we know that an object begins to glow when it is constantly heated, in the same way, that when black holes absorb the mass of a star, black holes begin to glow due to the friction of that star's mass. , And emits the fastest light within itself, which is called "Quazer" in the language of Science. This light is so great that none of the thousands or millions of galaxies in our Universe can emit so much light. So this proves that the light called Quazer is incredibly bright, which nothing in the universe can match.

Friends, the value of the first seen Quazer light was -26.7 in Absolute Magnitude, which is 4 trillion times higher than our Sun, and 100 times higher than the brightness of our Milky Way galaxy. This means that if we look at the same Quazer Light from our Earth called "3C273" and it is located 33 light-years away, it will look as bright as the sun when viewed from Earth. And we all know that the Sun is only 8 light minutes away from us. Friends, Quazer light is the fastest light in black holes, and we have learned in previous blogs that they are located between galaxies in the universe. Due to their gravity, the entire galaxy revolves around them, so the light emitted from them drowns the galaxy in its light. In fact, all bright galaxies appear bright because of the fastest light they emit from black holes. In scientific parlance, the black holes between these galaxies are called "active galactic nuclei".

Friends, the light emitted from a Quazer can travel incredible distances, while if ever the light of a Quazer reaches our earth, then the Quazer will be called "Blazer" in the language of Science, and surprisingly now The most visible shiny object in the universe is a "Blazer", named "3C454.3". And its value in Absolute Magnitude is -31.4, which is the lowest number ever, which means it is the brightest thing ever discovered. Friends Quazer can take place hundreds of millions of light-years away from our Earth. And it will certainly surprise you that a Quazer may have existed millions of years ago, but its light is reaching us today. Because the light at such a great distance can take millions of years to travel to our Earth. So if we somehow disappear and get to these Quazers, we won't see them there. Friends, these are the fastest light emitted from black holes, the brightest thing in the universe. And show the greatness and glory of their Creator(God), because only God Who created the universe can explain the complexities and mysteries of the universe, and He is Allah alone. 

Friends, I hope you liked this blog of mine today. If you like this blog, please share it with your friends. My name is Muhammad Osama and you were reading the "Get Knowledge" Blog. Thanks.

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