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What If The Moon Disappeared Instantly Explained | English


What if Moon suddenly disappears?
What if Moon suddenly disappears?

After World War II, a Cold War broke out between the Soviet Union(Russia) and its allies. It was a war on politics, international relations, science and technology, and world domination. The two rival states have also developed a number of destructive weapons, including the atomic bomb, to demonstrate their military powers. When the Soviet Union first began space experiments, this ground war turned into a space war. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the world's first artificial satellite "Sputnik 1", into Earth's orbit, causing a major uproar in the United States. So after many failed experiments, the United States finally launched the satellite "Vanguard 1" into Earth orbit on March 17, 1958, which still exists today. Since then, various tactics have been tried by the United States and the Soviet Union to degrade each other in space warfare. The two superpowers set their sights on the Moon and made it their goal to head it first.

Vanuard 1
Vanguard 1
Sputnik 1
Sputnik 1

Recent leaked secret documents show how far the two superpowers were willing to go to win this war. Both countries planned to destroy the Moon with a nuclear attack. In US documents, the project was named "Project A119" in code wording and was kept confidential. The plan was made by the US Air Force in 1958 to intimidate the Soviet Union and the world by demonstrating its power and ability to destroy. Renold Reffold, a physicist with the US Air Force, was also involved in the project. Who was involved in researching ways to complete the project. This is the same person who was in charge of NASA's mission to the Moon. And we all know that NASA's landing on the Moon was a drama, just to gain the upper hand in space from the Soviet Union. A team of American military and scientists plotted to drop a nuclear missile the size of a bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Which had to hit the shining surface of the Moon. It was a 1.7-tonne W25 bomb. The U.S. military believes that after the big explosion, a bright light will emanate from the surface of the Moon that everyone on Earth will be able to see. And there will be a severe dust storm that will carry with it Russia's dream of space superiority and will also smash the surface of the moon. But in reality, the billions of nuclear weapons of the day were not capable of destroying the surface of the moon. Even modern nuclear weapons lack this capability. At the time, American scientists investigating the idea that they could drop the missile to the surface of the Moon with a two-mile accuracy that will be seen by everyone in the world. But suddenly, in January 1969, US military leaders realized that this unprovoked attack would provoke a strong public reaction and hatred. And the United States will lose its true dignity in the world. Therefore, "Project A119" was discontinued after this realization. And instead of sending weapons and ammunition into space, their focus was on getting the man to the Moon. After which the US government was forced to create a drama of going to the Moon. The documents of this "A119 Project" were kept secret for 45 years. Even in the year 2000, Renold Reffold brought these documents before everyone. He said that the purpose of this project was to carry out a nuclear attack on the surface of the Moon to find out the consequences of a nuclear attack on space and a low gravity place. Obviously, this justification was given only because if in any way these documents come to light in the future, there will be intense hatred from people all over the world. Not only the United States but also the Soviet Union had a similar plan called "Project E4". It also aimed to destroy the moon with nuclear missiles.

Absence of Moon

Friends, the Moon has existed before humans existed on Earth. And it has profound effects on human life. Then whether it is in the form of night light or in the form of climate change or in the form of gravity. But have you ever thought that if it were possible to destroy the Moon in any way and it would split into many pieces after this explosion?. If the Moon were to split into several pieces, it is possible that these pieces would begin to revolve around the Earth due to the Earth's gravity. And a circle like the one around planet "Saturn" will come into existence and satellites in Earth's orbit will be destroyed. These pieces orbiting in space are called "Meteoroids", which can collide with the Earth's surface at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per second, and cause catastrophic destruction. If the Moon does not exist, then in the absence of light at night, the sky will look very black and full of bright stars. You will never see a Lunar Eclipse anymore. The gravity of the moon controls the ocean waves, but in the absence of the moon the ocean waves will be completely silent, there will be no movement in them. Because there will only be some gravity of the Sun which will be almost non-existent.
In addition, the most important effects will be on the Earth's orbit. The current angle of rotation of the Earth can increase from 23.5 degrees to 100 degrees. Because the Moon will not exist by its gravity to control the Earth's axes, which will cause climate change on Earth. Because when the Earth's orbit changes its angle, the ice will begin to melt in the icy region where the sun does not shine. Melting ice will raise sea levels, creating a constant flood risk. Similarly, due to lack of sunshine in hot areas, severe cold and snowfall will begin in the deserts. Can you imagine a river in a hot region like Saudi Arabia turning into an ice glacier due to extreme cold?. But in the absence of the Moon, this is possible. But this change will take a long time, perhaps in the future man will be able to make such destructive weapons that threaten the existence of the earth, including the moon. Of course, human beings will not be able to survive for long at this time. 

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